When choosing a health care option for you or a loved one, there are many things to consider: medical history, cost, and personal preference. When it comes to treatment for mental illness, the options seem to multiply. One option, which commonly is referred to as psychiatric rehabilitation program, or PRP for short, provides individualize care to those with mental disorders. PRPs offer a variety of benefits to patients, but many are still unfamiliar with them.
What is a PRP?
PRPs are for individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. PRPs are a “whole systems” approach to recovery from a mental illness. They focus on maximizing an individual’s life by encouraging their skills while promoting their independence to lead them to successful living through support.
PRPs typically utilize two strategies for intervention: learning coping skills so and individual is more successful handling a stressful environment and developing resources that reduce future stressors.
Psychiatric rehabilitation services are person-directed and individualized. They involve a step-by-step process to recover meaningful roles in an individual’s life through the development of skills, resources, and knowledge.
What to know about PRPs:
- PRPs build upon a person’s assessed strengths rather than their deficits. They use a person’s strengths as the basis for goal-setting and recovery.
- They are collaborative. Professionals assist individuals in rediscovering skills that they already posses and community resources that will help them live successfully outside the program. The client often sets their own goals rather than following goals set by someone else.
- PRPS support patients who seek to have a meaningful life through good mental and physical health, education, employment, living skills, and leisure. The programs generally place a person in their chosen goal setting. For example, if a person wants to focus on healthy employment goals, they would be supported in their job field.
- Treatments and resources vary but can include medication management, psychological support, family counseling, vocational and independent living training, housing, job coaching, educational aide and social support.
If you or a loved one is interested in joining a PRP, contact Pathway Family Services today.