Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a combination of symptoms that come after one goes through a terrifying or upsetting experience. Anybody could be affected by PTSD – including children and teenagers. Further, PTSD can have a considerable impact on relationships, and it can be challenging to understand why the affected loved ones behave the way they do. Below are a few tips to take when engaging with a teen with has PTSD.
Understand the Causes and Effects of PTSD
When dealing with a teen, it is essential to get as much information as possible regarding the matter that led to PTSD. Try to apply the information gathered in the teenager’s life. Then, once you understand the causes, it becomes easier to process possible solutions.
The nature of a flashback may have a different toll on an affected individual. For affected teens, they may feel threatened, defensive, or even exhibit violent behavior towards others. It can be tough dealing with teenagers during these episodes. In such moments it is often easy to feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. These moments call for patience for those handling the teenagers. With time they will come out of the tough times.
Avoid Flashback Triggers
PTSD is a result of a past event that could be triggered by different factors such as sights, sounds, activities, and images. These factors may remind the affected teenagers of the traumatic experienced they went through, making healing very difficult. Loved one’s taking care of teenagers need to understand the triggers to understand which situations to shun away.
Offer Social Support
Giving unconditional love and support to a teen with PTSD is often the best thing to do. That may be not easy to do, but when undertaken, it births excellent results. That move makes a teen feel secure, which helps in the growth of their well-being.
Learn More About Talking to a Teen Who Has PTSD
It is not easy dealing with PTSD, especially with teenagers. But with the above tips in hand, it can make better the healing process of the victim. Contact us today for more information.