If you’re a foster parent with a child receiving cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, you’ll be interested in a recent study comparing the effectiveness of online CBT and face to face approaches. This new research confirms that electronic CBT may be more effective.
Background on Electronic CBT Study:
Researchers at McMaster University conducted a systematic review and analysis that found that electronic CBT improved patients’ symptoms better than face to face therapy. Online therapy also provided at least an equal measure of patient satisfaction and an equal improvement in general functioning. The data came from 17 randomized control trials in the U.S. and five other countries. The methods studied included web-based applications, video-conferencing, email, and texting. Furthermore, there were no restrictions on age, so the findings are considered relevant for both teen and adult patients.
Implications for Foster Children Receiving CBT for Depression:
CBT therapy is one of the most effective treatments for depression, but many families had limited access even before COVID-19. Depending on where you live, there may be long wait times, and getting to and from appointments may be difficult. Electronic CBT can reduce the risk of infection for your foster family, and reduce these other complications. Also, you may welcome an alternative or supplement to the use of antidepressant medication. While antidepressants have helped millions of patients, they may not work for some individuals. Plus, there can be an additional risk of rare but serious side effects for children and teens. Online CBT also has the advantage of giving you and your foster children an added measure of privacy while you seek treatment.
Being a foster parent is challenging and rewarding. That’s especially true when you’re making a difference in the life of a child struggling with depression, trauma or other serious issues. Contact us at Pathway Family Services to learn more the resources we provide for youths and families.