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Youth who have been receiving psychiatric treatment through much of their childhood benefit from assistance transitioning into adulthood. Programs called psychiatric or psychosocial rehabilitation can help.

Participation in a psychiatric rehabilitation program places the client at the center. These programs are designed to help clients reduce their dependence on intensive psychiatric treatment and to thrive under self-reliance or self-directed care.

The Treatment Team as Guide in Treatment Planning

The treatment team helps clients develop goals that are attainable and meet the client’s objective of independent living. The treatment team usually consists of a psychiatrist, a social worker, a vocational and/or occupational therapist, a substance abuse counselor (if applicable), others as offered by the program, and the client themselves. The client is the most important person on the treatment team, as the plan developed must meet the goals and needs of the client. The goals developed help the client on the path to success.

Alternatives to Acute Hospitalizations are Learned

Those who have a history of multiple hospitalizations learn coping skills. The difficulties that led to an acute psychiatric hospitalization are identified, and alternative resources are provided to prevent a crisis from developing.

Life Skills to Live Independently

Psychiatric rehab helps participants learn and utilize skills to live independently. Skills needed to live independently are taught and practiced. Participants learn how to:

  • Manage finances
  • Shopping
  • Prepare meals
  • Maintain their living space (cleaning, organizing)
  • Laundry

Developing educational goals or learning employment skills enhance one’s opportunities for successful independent living. Some activities of a psychiatric rehabilitation program aimed at these goals include:

  • Vocational training
  • Learning basic employment expectations
  • Preparation for furthering educational goals
  • Study skills

Pathways Provides Psychiatric Rehabilitation as Part of Programming

Our programs here at Pathway Family Services are focused on providing programs and services on a psychiatric rehabilitation model. The children and families who utilize our programs are provided with the tools they need to grow and live as independently as possible. Call us today for more information.