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The decision to seek residential treatment centers for a child is a heavy one. Choosing the right facility can seem like an overwhelming task. Foster children can present a unique set of challenges that require specialized care. We have compiled a list of residential psychiatric treatment facilities located in Kansas that we hope will help provide some of the information you need when making this important decision.

Pathway Family Services

family walking away from residential treatment centers

Family with kid holding hands, walking away.

Our own psychiatric residential treatment facility is located in Topeka, KS. Our highly structured program is designed for boys and girls age 6 and up. The 31-bed facility provides 24-hour, 7-day a week trauma-informed care. Supervision is provided for both onsite and offsite activities as well as group and individual therapy. Click here to learn more about what Pathway has to offer.

KVC Health Systems

KVC specializes in childhood trauma. Their mission is to enrich lives by providing compassionate, trauma-focused behavioral and mental healthcare. In fact, they offer inpatient treatment for all teenagers. What’s more, KVC offers 2 locations in Kansas City and 1 in Hays. Click here for more information on this facility.

The University of Kansas Health System – Marillac Campus

The University of Kansas Health System – Marillac Campus is structured to care for kids who are experiencing acute crises. Their staff includes highly trained, board-certified medical and mental health professionals. Indeed, the Marillac campus is reserved for children and adolescents only. It is located in Overland Park, Kansas. Click here for more information about this campus.

Florence Crittenton Services of Topeka, Inc

The Florence Crittenton facility offers psychiatric services to adolescent girls aged 13-18. Located in Topeka, KS, this program consists of clinical, medical and residential care. At the present time, this facility is dedicated to meeting the increasingly complex needs of system-involved girls. Furthermore, click here for more information about Florence Crittenton Services.

Find More Residential Treatment Centers in Kansas

For more resources and information regarding the care of foster children please contact us.