Depending on the childhood experiences that a tween or teen has gone through, it is possible for them to develop emotional and behavioral problems that refuse to go away. For example, a teen with early exposure to narcotics may develop an addiction. A child who has experienced a lot of fighting or domestic abuse within the home might develop anger issues and have difficulty in communicating with others. For these and any other issues that might be afflicting a child over six years of age, Pathway Family Services has a psychiatric residential treatment facility.
Here are some of the ways in which the psychiatric treatment facility can help children/teens:
- Assessment: The first step, when a child/teen is brought to the psychiatric treatment facility, will be to assess their state of mind and what kind of trauma they have been through. This initial assessment will determine the course of treatment.
- Family-Driven Care: Keep in mind that the treatment of the child/teen is not going to be limited to them alone. Their entire family will be involved in it, thus giving them the tools needed to deal with the child/teen’s addiction/behavioral issue.
- Goals and Plans: After the assessment, the team at the psychiatric treatment facility will come up with an individualized plan for each child/teen, depending on the issues that they are dealing with. So, for example, a teen with substance issues will need to be rehabilitated while a child with anger issues will need to learn anger management.
- Case Management: As the treatment proceeds, the team at the psychiatric treatment facility will keep checking in with the child/teen periodically to find out how much progress they’ve made.
- Relationships: One major focus of the program will be to help the child/teen develop and maintain stable relationships with family, friends etc. The program will work on their communication and social skills to enable them to do this.
- Independent Living: For teens who are living independently or planning to do so shortly, it will be important for them to learn the skills necessary to do so, such as time and money management, to begin with.
- Health and Leisure: For anyone to live a full and happy life, it’s necessary to maintain their health. On the other hand, a work-life balance is also needed for a good life. So leisure skills are as important as health skills, because they help a person to maintain mental health.
Contact us to learn more about the ways in which a psychiatric residential treatment facility can help your child/teen.